
Showing posts from April, 2022

Too Stupid To Learn?

 The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect, the attitudes about it, are from an incorrect perspective. It’s fascinating to 115-135 range midwits, and a number of higher IQs. The supposition is the blanket consideration that all articles of a newspaper are written by the same mind. The reality is they are written by multiple authors, in a hiring and retention process maintained by a same mind. We’re there not a hidden controller handing out talking points and enforcing perspectives, there would be a multitude of perspectives, with a notibly and consistently incorrect perspective being fired. That is a high trust perspective, dealing with a low trust conspiracy. The default is to trust, until you know otherwise, regardless of observable patterns. Until a critical mass of familiarity is achieved, producing at least a partial breakaway. It isn’t so much that they do not recognize patterns, as it is considering components innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. And if they are not familiar